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EEDRAW - Electrical Engineering Drawings (ver 2.2)
EEDraw is a simple parametric drawing program, specifically designed for
EE (Electrical Engineering) type of drawing. The program fully allows new
parametric types, through library mechanisms, and in fact all the EE types
are defined this way. This library mechanism is extremely useful in defining
new types and can be used for other applications other than EE.
The following graphic devices are supported for display:
Hercules, CGA, ATT, EGA, VGA and SVGA (through user provided BGI driver).
The following printing devices are supported (via the printing drivers):
EPSON compatible printers (8 pins), PostScript printers.
Usage: EEDraw [-z] *[FileName[.EED]]
Options: [-z] Print version number and usage.
Quick start: The program comes with quite common setup. If you have a mouse
and a VGA/EGA/Hercules/CGA then you can simply start eedraw. Typing
'eedraw 82720-1.eed 82720-2.eed' will restart eedraw and prompt you for two
windows for the above two files. Click on left button (return on keyboard)
to pick window corners. Click on right button (space bar on keyboard) if you
want to default size (maximum size). Alt-Q, by default, will take you out.
For correct execution of the main program (EEDraw), the following files must
exist in one of the path directories:
1. EEDraw.exe
2. EEDraw.cfg
3. EEDraw.bnd
4. EEDraw.hlp
5. *.lib
For correct execution of the printer drivers (EED-PS, EED-Epsn), the following
files must exists in one of the path directories (see also Appendix B):
1. EED-PS.exe 1. EED-Epsn.exe
2. EED-PS.cfg 2. EED-Epsn.cfg
3. *.lib 3. *.lib
The library files (*.lib) are the same for the printer drivers and eedraw
itself and should exist probably only once.
See SETUP below shows how to change the setup of this programs.
The default values should be enough to start and learn this program.
EEDraw set up is done through two files: EEDraw.cfg and EEDraw.bnd.
This files contain global parameters that should be selected and set only
once, in final installation stage. Empty lines or anything after a semicolon
(';') is ignored. This file is read once with eedraw is being started.
Parameters that can be set are:
1. AutoPan - Boolean flag. If TRUE, any operation involves in the drawing
space (such as move, copy or draw) will auto-pan if cursor exists screen.
If FALSE, Panning option must be used manually to perform this operation.
This Boolean flag can be set from the Status main menu.
For example:
AutoPan TRUE
2. WindowName - Boolean flag. If TRUE each EEDraw data file name is printed
in the head of the file. If FALSE no name is printed and this makes some
more space for the drawing itself.
This Boolean flag can be set from the Window main menu.
For example:
WindowName TRUE
3. ATKeyboard - Boolean flag. If TRUE, it is assumed AT style keyboard bios
calls (also known as Enhanced keyboard - if you have F11/F12 on your
keyboard, good chance you can set this to TRUE). This will enable using
more complex scan codes, not supported by regular keyboard (such as
F11/F12). Note however it may HANG your system if it is not so.
For example:
ATKeyboard FALSE
4. MouseSensitivity - Integer flag. Default is set to 10 which is a good
start. Making this number bigger makes the mouse less sensitive.
For example
MouseSensitivity 10
5. HVLines - Boolean flag. If TRUE, lines are coerced to be vertical/horizontal
only. This Boolean flag can be set from the Status main menu.
For example
6. SnapDistance - Integer value. Sets the distance in drawing space of points
to be snapped. You probably do not want to change this, especially not in
the middle of a drawing. This Integer value can be set from Status main
For example:
SnapDistance 16
7. Allow256Colors - Boolean flag. 256 colors BGI drivers will have a richer
set of colors. If FALSE such a driver will be forced to use only 16 colors
effectively having same colors are EGA or VGA default colors (EGAVGA.BGI).
For example:
Allow256Colors FALSE
8. AllowAsyncEvents - Boolean flag. The user interface supports async event
handling. This means that one can pop up something while something else
is being poped up already for example. This has the advantage of the
ability to arbitrary "jump" between commands. However this may be VERY
confusing as well. Leave it FALSE at least at the beginning!
For example:
AllowAsyncEvents FALSE
9. SaveBackMethod - Integer. Underlaying windows are being saved for short
life time pop up items such as queries. This integer selects where to
save this data. Options are:
1 - Conventional memory. This obviously reduces the amount of memory
for the EE drawings themselves.
2 - Expanded memory.
3 - XMS Extanded memory (currently not supported).
4 - Disk file. For reasonable response this better be a ram disk. See
also SaveBackPath below.
The device, this data is saved into, should be able to hold ~100k for
16 colors BGI drivers and twice that for 256 colors BGI drivers.
For example:
SaveBackMethod 1
10. SaveBackPath - String. This string specifies where back windows should
be saved. This full path should have a postfix '\' in it.
For example:
SaveBackPath "f:\temp\"
11. Mouse - Boolean flag. Inform the system if a Mouse exists or not.
If this is commented out, auto detection will be used.
For example:
Mouse TRUE
12. Joystick - Boolean flag. Inform the system if a joystick exists or not.
Must be TRUE for a joystick to be used. Personally the joystick was not
found accurate enough for this type of drawing.
Joystick FALSE
13. BGIDriverPath - specifies where to look for the *.BGI drivers. Note the
drivers are supplied with this program (type 'dir *.bgi') and you should
update this path to the exact place you had moved them.
For example:
BGIDriverPath "C:/TC/BGI/ATI"
14. GraphDriver - Set what type of display device to use. The relative driver
*.BGI are looked in the directory specified in BGIDriverPath above.
The following values are valid (same as TC 2.0/TC++ 1.0 graphics.h file
if that helps):
0 - Auto detect (default, so you can delete this one...)
1 - CGA (Hires two colors mode)
3 - EGA
4 - EGA64
7 - Hercules
8 - ATT (Not tested)
9 - VGA
999 - SVGA (super VGA - see SVGANameMode below)
For example:
GraphDriver 999
15. SVGANameMode - select a BGI driver to use. This driver is searched for only
if GraphDriver above is set to 999. Thus driver is assumed to be 800 by
600 in resolution but any driver with 4:3 aspect ratio will probably be
o.k.. This driver is searched in the directory specified by BGIDriverPath
above. For example if the driver you want to use is ATI.BGI and in mode 2:
SVGANameMode "ATI.2"
16. Libraries - String value. A list of libraries (neither file type, nor full
path is required - only the name) to automatically load on restart,
separated with commas (','). Libraries can also be loaded using the libs
main menu, and/or will be automatically loaded when a data files needs them.
For example:
17. LibrariesPath - String Value. Full path where libraries from
LoadLibByName should be searched for. Note libraries loaded automatically
will be searched in all path dirs and specified by PATH env. variable.
18. FrameWidth - Integer value. Sets the border width for all windows.
19. Colors control. Below are all colors values to select. Each can be one of
the following 8 colors:
2 - RED
4 - BLUE
6 - CYAN
The colors are self explanatory and grouped into the following groups:
Root controls colors of the back ground root window. Actv sets the active
drawing window colors. Psv sets the passive window(s) colors. PopUp
controls all pop ups like queries colors. HighLigh sets the highlight
objects color. Below are the color groups themselves.
;Root window - the backgound.
RootFrameolor 7
RootForeColor 3
RootBackColor 5
RootXorColor 6
;Pop up menus/queries.
PopUpFrameColor 2
PopUpForeColor 5
PopUpBackColor 5
PopUpXorColor 6
;The currently active file/window if any.
ActvFrameColor 2
ActvForeColor 5
ActvBackColor 4
;All other passive files/windows if any.
PsvFrameColor 3
PsvForeColor 5
PsvBackColor 4
;High light color - selected items.
HighLightColor 2
If this configuration file is not found in any of the path directories,
a message is printed to the screen, and internal defaults will be used
instead. This is NOT recommended - fix that as soon as you can, as the
internal defaults are not guaranteed to be anything specific.
This file allow you to bind any of the program internal functions (as can be
selected from any of the menus) to a specific key. Note some keys are
hard-bound and can not be used to rebind function (such as arrow keys - see
Functionality below). The format of the file is following.
Empty lines, or lines begin with a semicolon (';') are ignored.
Every line consists of three items: "FunctionName KeyName ScanCode"
seperated by white spaces. FunctionName are the fixed names this program
supports (see blow). KeyName is the name of the key ("AltK" for example) this
FunctionName will be bound to. Up to 4 characters are allowed for KeyName, and
this name will appear in the main menu which contains this function. ScanCode
is the scan code of the bounded key. If the key is regular ascii code, this
ascii code is the scan code. If it is extended code (such as F? keys are), add
256 to this value. All numbers should be in decimal.
Currently available FunctionName(s) and their associated main menu (see
Functionality section below for their description):
File menu:
Window menu:
Display menu:
Libs menu:
Draw menu:
Modify menu:
Status menu:
Other (not in any menu):
4. Functionality
This section describes the currently available function set, and main modes.
Although most of the keys may be bound to any function as described in the
Setup section (EEDraw.bnd description), some of them are hard-bound and should
not be used. Note that in order for enhanced Keyboard scan codes to be used,
such as F11 and F12, 'ATKeyboard' must be set to TRUE in eedraw.cfg file.
See 'Mouse' and 'Joystick' in eedraw.cfg for mouse and joystick setup.
Below are the "hard-bound" keys:
A. All the numeric keypad (arrow keys, home, PhUp, End, PgDn). These keys
are used to move to cursor (even if mouse exists).
B. All the numeric keys but 0 (used by shift-arrows).
C. Enter (or Return) key. this is the SELECT key.
D. Space bar. This is the ABORT key.
E. Tab. This is equivalent to MIDDLE button key.
The arrow keys are used to move the cursor (co-exist with mouse), and if
shifted, move cursor faster. In addition to the cursor movement, two
important keys are defined as well:
A. SELECT key, hard-bound to the Enter (or Return), left button on mouse,
if such exists, and button 1 on the joystick, if exists.
B. ABORT key, hard-bound to the Space bar, right button on mouse if such
exists, and button 2 on the joystick, if exists.
C. MIDDLE key, hard-bound to the Tab, middle button on mouse if such
exists (or pressing both mouse buttons), and both buttons on the joystick.
All the eedraw functions described below uses these hard-bound keys.
This version supports multi file editing via multi window system (running
on regular DOS). Each time a file is being open, a new window is created
for it. If window header is to be shown (see ShowName function below) the
file name the window is associated with is displayed in addition to its
status as:
O)riginal - this file is exactly the same as first loaded in.
M)odified - the current file state should be saved. Data has been modified.
S)aved - file has been modified since it was first loaded, but current
state is being saved.
There is no limit to number on the number of windows/files that may be open
at once, aside from DOS and memory limits. The libraries are being shared
between all files, so reduce memory usage. This means that even if two
(or more) files needs LINEAR.LIB it will be loaded once into memory.
However, there is no way for the program to detect which file uses which
library when they are being saved and it is assumed ALL libraries currently
loaded are being used by all files.
Few type of interactors are defined to query the user:
A. Yes/No question - prompt the question, with Yes and No buttons. The SELECT
key will select the answer. ABORT key is ignored. One may use the Y/N
keys as well to signal Yes/No answer.
B. Continue question - prompt a message, and wait for SELECT on the continue
button. ABORT key is ignored. One may use the C key to continue as well.
C. String question - prompt a message, and waits for string input. This
facilitates a full line editor as follows (independent of key bindings):
* Right and Left arrows will move right and left.
* Insert toggles Insert/Overwrite modes (toggles cursor shape).
* Delete deletes current character.
* Backspace deletes character to the back.
* Home and End will move to beginning/end of string respectively.
* Esc clears the current string.
* Return will terminate editing.
D. List question - prompt with a list of items (files names for example).
An item will be picked by the SELECT key if applicative (when viewing
a directory nothing needs to be picked). ABORT key will usually abort
the operation, but may have some special operation as well or may be
E. Menu(s) question. Two types of menus are used - top down from the main menu,
and pop up on special occasions. Menus behave very much like List questions.
SELECT key selects menu item while ABORT key usually abort the menu with no
selection at all.
A. File menu:
LoadEEDFile - Prompts for a file name (List question), and reads it
from the current directory, if SELECT key, abort if ABORT key.
Note file type must be '.eed'. A new window is created for
it while the user is prompted to set the window size (see
NewEEDFile - Creates a new drawing window not assosicated with any
file. This is the way to create new drawings. The user is
prompted to set the window size (see ResizeWindow).
SaveAllEED - Saves all unsaved drawings. This is probably useful
before quiting eedraw.
SaveEEDFile - Saves currently edited file. This routine can be used
only after a new file was saved at list once, or it was loaded.
In both cases, it will be saved on the same name, after
renaming old one to have '.bak' extension.
Ask for verification (Yes/No question).
SaveEEDAsOld - Same as SaveEEDFile, but prompts with list of all '.eed'
files in current directory, and saved by the name selected if
SELECT key, or abort if ABORT key.
SaveEEDAsNew - Same as SaveEEDFile, but prompts for a new file using
String question.
SaveNetList - Save a net list for the active window. Default name is
same as '.eed' but with '.net' type. Net list is generated by
scanning the lines and buses object in the drawing. A draw
should be designed ahead of time so the net list will
be correct in two respects:
1. The net list can not identify individual pins in a BUS and
will list them all as one (BUS) connection. Therefore
bus lines should be made individually if this program is
to make a full net list for it.
2. Since only lines and buses are scanned, library items
connected directly connection will not be detected. An
easy solution is to put a dummy line connection there so
that connection will be scanned correctly.
When the net list is generated the scanned lines/buses are
highlighted so the remaining non scanned ones can be easily
viewed (2 above).
CloseEEDFile - Closes a drawing window associated with a file. Note
that non of the above saving functions close the window,
and this function is the only way to close a window.
Ask for verification if data modified (Yes/No question).
ClearAll - Clears all eedrawing data in a picked window. The user is
requested to "click" on the window to clear.
Ask for verification (Yes/No question).
Directory - Display content of current directory as in List question.
both SELECT key and ABORT key can be used to exit this mode.
Unlike LoadEEDFile, all files are displayed.
ChangeDir - Prompts with String question for a new directory. Old
directory is provided to begin with.
ShellToDos - "Fork"s (I wish this was true...) to the DOS O.S. . Type
'exit' at the DOS prompt to return to EEDraw.
ExitEEdraw - Exits the Program.
Ask for verification (Yes/No question) and issue a warning
if not all files were saved.
Window menu:
PopWindow - Pops up a window the user picks. The window is being
picked by "clicking" on it. ABORT key aborts this operation.
PushWindow - Pushes down a window the user picks. The window is being
picked by "clicking" on it. ABORT key aborts this operation.
MoveWindow - Moves a window the user picks. The window is being
picked by "clicking" on it. ABORT key aborts this operation.
The picked window frame is poped up so current position is
all visible. The cursor prompt changes to a box in the window
size that the user needs to place as the new position.
ResizeWindow - Same as MoveWindow but for resizing the window.
FullSize - Blows up a window the user picks. The window is being
picked by "clicking" on it. ABORT key aborts this operation.
This make the window as big as possible in the current
display device. Calling this function again on the window
will recover its original size.
This function may be activated on drawing windows only.
ShowName - A toggle to show/hide window name. The window name is
simply the filename the window is associated with. Also
displayed is O)riginal, M)odified, or S)aved file status
as O/M/S letters.
MakeActive - All drawing operations are performed on the active
window. If only one drawing window exists it is the active
one. If more, exactly one of them is the active one. This
function selects the active window by a user pick. The window
is being picked by "clicking" on it. ABORT key aborts this
NameActive - All drawing operations are performed on the active
window. If only one drawing window exists it is the active
one. If more, exactly one of them is the active one. This
function selects the active window by name. A list query of
all drawing window (file) names is being poped up and the
selected becomes the active one.
PanWindowLeft - Pan the ACTIVE window a half window to the left.
PanWindowRight - Pan the ACTIVE window a half window to the right.
PanWindowUp - Pan the ACTIVE window a half window up.
PanWindowDown - Pan the ACTIVE window a half window down.
Display menu:
ZoomOut - Zoom out (center of screen remains at center) by factor of 2.
Note that if you zoom out from regular zoom factor, text will
disappear as it can not be shrinked. You can enable text from
the Status menu manually.
ZoomIn - Zoom in (center of screen remains at center) by factor of 2.
ZoomReset - Reset Zoom value to the regular zoom factor.
RedrawAll - Redraw all screen.
Libs menu:
LoadLibrary - Prompts for a file name (List question), and reads it
from the library directory, if SELECT key, abort if ABORT key.
Note file type must be '.lib'.
LoadLibByName - Loads one or several libraries (seperated by commas)
by providing their names. To load EPROM.LIB and LINEAR.LIB
"eprom,linear" should be typed. Libraries are been search in
all directories as specified by the PATH environment variable.
FreeLibrary - Prompts with all loaded libraries with List question,
and frees the selected one if SELECT key, abort if ABORT.
ViewLibrary - Prompts with all loaded libraries with List question,
If a library has been selected via SELECT key, prompt with
all parts defined in this library again with a List question.
Selection of a part with SELECT key will display it. ABORT will
go back to library List question, which can be aborted again
via the ABORT key.
DirLibrary - Displays content of library directory library files
(those with '.lib' extension) as in List question.
both SELECT key and ABORT key can be used to exit this mode.
ChDirLibrary - Prompts with String question for a new directory
for library search. Old directory is provided to begin with.
This directory is used for Load/DirLibrary routines above
only. LoadLibByName and auto library loading upon eedraw file
loading will search all ddirectories as specified by the PATH
environment variable.
Draw menu:
DrawLine - Enters drawing mode. If HVLines is set (see SETUP,
EEDraw.cfg section), only horizontal/vertical lines are
In this mode, pressing SELECT key will insert a new point
in the created polyline and pressing ABORT will delete the
last entered point.
If however, there are no points at all in the current polyline,
ABORT key will abort this mode.
Also, pressing SELECT twice (at the SAME place as the last
point entered) will complete the drawn polyline.
MIDDLE key will also complete the line drawing.
DrawBus - Same as DrawLine, but draw thicker lines.
DrawConnect - Draw a connection junction, if SELECT key is pressed,
or abort if ABORT key is pressed.
DrawText - Prompts for a string with String question, and then position
the text horizontally or vertically. If the positioning is
terminated with ABORT it is ignored, SELECT will update.
DrawLibItem - Prompts for a part name with String question. If this is
not the first invocation to this mode, last part will be
used as default string (remember you can always use Esc to
clear to a fresh line). If part is found (name is exactly the
same as shown in the ViewLibrary function above), a pop up
menu will allow to rotate it 90 degree CW or CCW or mirror it.
Successive SELECT will transform the library item to the
desired orientation, while ABORT will abort this DrawLibItem
mode. SELECT PlaceIt (top menu entry) will allow to position
the part in the exact place.
The user is also being prompted for Chip (i.e. 74LS00) and
Part (i.e. IC7) names if they are required/allowed (see
Appendix on library file definition) for this part.
These are positioned similar to the way DrawText position
its text, except that Chip name is already known and can not
be modified.
Modify menu:
This menu is heavily based on Picking objects. a single object is
being picked if the cursor is on an object. The cursor is considered
on an object if one of the following:
A. Line and Bus items: the cursor is on one of the Line/Bus end points
(any point that was set by SELECT when it was created, including
internal points).
B. Connect item: the cursor is on the Connect center.
C. Text item: the cursor is inside the smallest axes parallel bounding
box holding this text.
D. Library item: the cursor is on any polyline end point (including
internal points).
The picked object will blink. SELECT key will select it, ABORT key
will cause the next object, if such exists at this position, to blink
until one is selected via the SELECT key, or no more objects can be
If no object at all is found at the cursor point, the point is used
as first corner of a box to pick a set of objects - a second SELECT
key will pick the second corner of the box, ABORT key will abort this
mode. All objects intersect with the defined box, will be considered
picked, with no more verification.
ModifyMove - Pickes object(s), and moves it (them) to a new position.
Once the object(s) i s(are) picked, SELECT key will set
its(their) new position, ABORT will leave it unchanged.
ModifyCopy - Pickes object(s), and copies it (them) to a new position.
Once the object(s) is (are) picked, SELECT key will place
it(them) in new position, ABORT will abort the copy operation.
EditLibItem - if the picked object(s) is a single library item, allows
editing any of the following (via a pop up menu):
A. Editing the part name. This is the only way to add a part
name to a library item if the library item has none by
B. Toggle to Draw/Undraw chip name (if this chip is allowed
to have one).
C. Reposition Chip name (if this chip have one).
D. Reposition Part name (if this chip is allowed to have one).
E. Reorient the lib part.
Picking one of the above via SELECT will allow text
positioning or text editing (via String question). ABORT or
selecting Done (first menu entry) will abort this EditLibItem
ModifyDelete - Deletes the picked object(s). The deleted object(s) is
(are) saved in a special 10 places deep stack, and deleted
items can be undeleted using the ModifyUnDel function.
Each of the 10 placed stack can hold any result of a pick
no matter how many objects are inside.
This Delete/Undelete mechanism can be used to cut and paste
even between different files/windows - this stack is never
being cleared.
ModifyUnDel - Undelete the last delete operation (see ModifyDelete),
from the delete stack (LIFO).
ModifyCut - Same as ModifyDelete, but original is NOT deleted. The
object is being pushed onto the undelet stack and can then be
ModifyUnDel, ModifyPaste etc.
ModifyPaste - Same as ModifyUnDel, but the undelete stack is NOT
modified. This function enables pasting and placing the same
object few times.
ModifyDrop - Drops the top of stack from the undelete stack. May be
used to drop a cut/paste object sequence from stack.
Status menu:
Help - Pops up an help window and displays the content of eedraw.hlp.
If the help window is already poped up, this function will
close it (acts like a toggle.).
GetMemoryFree - Prompts with a continue question, on the current free
memory. Getting close to zero is unsafe!
GetZoomFactor - Allows you to see the current zoom factor
SetDrawText - Sets drawing of text smaller than minimal size (8x8).
This will draw text at 8x8 size which is too big, but may be
sometimes useful.
SetTextSize - Sets the scaling (up only) of the text size. By default
this is equal to 1, but up to scaling up by 7 is allowed.
SetAutoPan - If TRUE, auto panning will occur when placing
objects that have been moved off the active WINDOW. The
object will be place so it is centered in the window.
SetHVLines - Allows drawing of diagonal lines as well if set to FALSE.
Uses Yes/No question.
SetSnapFactor - Sets the invisible grid the cursor position is
snapped to. You probably do not want to change this,
especially not in the middle of file editing.
Uses String question, and display current Snap factor to
begin with.
Other (not in any menu):
SameAgain - Executes the last function again. This is hard bounded
to MIDDLE key, although in may be bounded to another key
as well.
5. Spacial Notes
Designing using A4 page size does not require much memory even when few
libraries are loaded. My system with 640k (-70k of the O.S) has almost 300k
free to use (Use the GetMemoryFree function to query free memory), when all the
provided libraries are loaded. I guess you will need to work hard to get down
to less than 100k. If you succeed and/or you system has less than 640k memory,
make yourself a rule: never to go below 64k of free memory. The program need
about 32k of temporary memory for the different operations, and getting close
to that is dangerous! When you approach 32k of free memory, you will be
issued a warning (Continue question):
Free memory too small - dangerous to continue.
Every 30 second (if you do any operation in that time). Continuing at this
point may result with loss of all your work - the program will exit when no
more memory will be available! This is especially true if 'SaveBackMethod'
in eedraw.cfg is set to conventional memory.
Yes, I know this is ugly, but you eat what you cook, right? I used this
program quite a bit, and never succeeded to go below 200k, so why bather.
6. Acknowledgement
I would like to thank skh@eng.sun.com (Steve Howell) for his great comments
during the last stages of bringing version 2.0 up.
Appendix A. Glossary
SELECT Key - The key used for the select operation. Currently hard-bound to
Enter (or Return), the Left mouse button if mouse exists, and to
Button 1 in a joystick.
ABORT Key - The key used for the abort operation. Currently hard-bound to
Space bar, the Right mouse button if mouse exists and to Button 2
in a joystick.
MIDDLE key - Another general purpose key. Currently hard-bound to
Tab keyr, the Middle mouse button if mouse exists and has middle
button (or both right and left buttons pressed simultaneously)
and to both Buttons of the joystick.
Screen Space - the space of the display device. Depends on the graphic
device coordinates on the selected mode.
Drawing Space - the space in which the drawing objects exist. This space
is bounded by a wide box (zoom out twice to see this box on an
empty drawing) so it will fit into an A4 (8.5" by 11") page in both
the EPSON and the PostScript printer drivers (see Appendix B).
Appendix B. Printer drivers
The following printer drivers are available (see also installation section):
1. EPSON printer.
Usage: EEDEpson [-g] [-r] [-1] [-2] [-3] [-d] [-z] FileName[.EED]
Options: [-g] Output goes to standard output as 1 bit per pixel (B&W)
GIF file.
[-r] Output goes to standard output as raw data.
[-1], [-2], [-3] Output goes to LPT1:, LPT2:, LPT3:
[-d] If output goes to Epson printer - print in double the
[-z] Print version number and usage.
* if neither [-g], not [-r] are specified, output is in Epson
compatible format (default).
* If non of [-1], [-2], [-3] are specified, output goes to
standard output.
* [-1], [-2], [-3], [-d] are ignored if [-g] or [-r] are
2. PostScript Printer.
Usage: EED-PS [-f FontName] [-z] FileName[.EED]
Options: [-z] Print version number and usage.
[-f FontName] Specify the font name to use instead of the
default name (Times-Roman).
PostScript output goes to stdout. If a PostScript Printer is
connected to com2: serial port then 'eed-ps drawing.eed > com2:'
will print drawing.eed on that printer.
Appendix C. Library file format
This appendix describes the format of the library file. It contains
all the information required to create your own libraries. The libraries are
designed to be parametric only. I.e. no bitmaps are supported. You can look
at the given libraries while reading this appendix for better understanding.
Empty lines and lines starts with '#' are ignored. In order to identify
a library as such the first line must start with 'EEDRAW-LIB'. Following in
the same line is version number as 'Version X.X'. Currently 'X.X' equal '1.0'
and is ignored. However it may be used in future versions, to ensure backward
compatibility. Following are the parts themselves. Each part definition begins
as follows:
DEF Name Prefix #Pins TextInside DrawNum #Units #PinsPerUnit
Were 1. Name is the Part name, i.e. "74LS00". If Name is prefixed with "~"
(for example "~74LS00") then the name is not drawn, nor it will be
accessible to the user.
2. Prefix is the prefix to be used in chip name (IC, R, C etc.). If
prefix is "~", then no prefix is drawn.
3. #Pins is the same as number of entries in PINS (see below),
i.e 14 for 74LS00.
4. TextInside is 0 if pin text is to be put outside as well (as the
pin numbers are), otherwise inside. You may put any positive
integer there to scale the distance inside. 10 is a good start.
5. DrawNum is 1 if pin numbers are to be drawn, 0 otherwise.
6. #Units holds number of multiple entries. For example 74LS00 has
4 units (Nand gates). For no multiple units put 0 here.
7. #PinsPerUnit holds number of entries for one unit if more than
one unit per part. If #Units is 0, it is ignored.
The part definition follows by the following blocks, in any order:
1. DRAW/ENDDRAW - defines how to draw the part. This block is optional, and
a simple box with half the pins on each side is drawn if this block is
not defined. The following commands are supported:
A x y r t1 t2 (Define ARC at x, y, radius r, angles t1 to t2)
P n x y x y x y... [F] (Define a POLYLINE of (any) length n)
C x y r (Define a CIRCLE at x, y, radius r)
S x1 y1 x2 y2 (Define a square (Not filled))
T x y h str (Define a text string at x, y (see below))
L x1 y1 x2 y2 [I] (Define terminal line to part - see PINS)
A. a text string (S) with be drawn horizontally if h is 1, vertically if 0.
Also '~' characters will be replaced by spaces, or this provides a
mechanism to have spaces in the string.
B. If the polyline (P) is postfixed by a F, the polyline should define a
closed shape that will be filled. The first point of the polyline must
be identical to last one in this case.
C. If the line (L) is postfixed by an I, this line is assumed to define
negative logic, and a small circle will be drawn to express that.
D. The number of L definitions should be exactly the same as #Pins in the
DEFS line if #Units = 0, and equal #PinsPerUnit if #Units != 0.
The order will match to the order in the PINS/ENDPINS block if #Units = 0
and to the order in the MULTI/ENDMULTI if #Units != 0.
E. Arcs (A) should not exceed 180 degrees, are CCW, and 0 degrees is at
3 o'clock.
2. PINS/ENDPINS - defines the names (strings) associated with each pin. This
block must always exists, and it is the minimum required to define a part.
The block holds #Pins lines each hold the string defines that pin. This
order must be the same as define in the DRAW/ENDDRAW as L commands
(if DRAW/ENDDRAW block is defined), from pin 1 to #Pins. Empty lines
are allowed and defined with only '~' in them. Not sign for X (vertical bar
above it) is defined by ~X.
3. MULTI/ENDMULTI - This block must exists iff #Unit != 0. Each line in this
provides a mapping from L terminal definitions in the DRAW/ENDDRAW block
to the pin numbers in a multi unit part. This is required as same L
terminal will have different pin number in different Units.
Each line in this block holds the pin numbers of a unit.
Number of lines should be equal to number units in part.
Part definition terminates with the ENDDEF line.
General Notes:
1. All parts are scaled up to easy the access of a single pin (by 16, but you
should not wonder about it too much - its internal mapping to drawing
2. Library file can hold any number of parts (at list one though...).
3. Library file must have '.lib' extension, to be usable by the EED* programs.
Gershon Elber
Email: gershon@cs.utah.edu